No podía empezar a explicar las cosas que me inspiran, sin mencionarlo a él...
y es que en mi "cuaderno de ideas", la primera página ha sido cubierta con algunas fotos de sus trabajos, cuando a penas sabía quién era él...
I couldn´t start to explain what things inspires me without him... and the truth is that in my sketchbook, the first page is covered with some of his work, when I didn´t know a lot about him.

Os invito a que veáis el vídeo de su último desfile...
y que si tenéis la posibilidad, visitéis su página web:
mientras tanto, os dejo algunas imágenes que creo que os podrán gustar...
over time I have studied, seen and seen his work, and season to season he didn´t stop to surprise me... I want to invite you to see his last collection catwalk in the video up,
and if you have the posibility, you must to visit his web:
Meanwhile, I leave you some pictures that I think you can like it.

Más adelante publicaré más sobre él, eso seguro...
Later, I will post more about him, sure...
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